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Work with me

A fully certified sleep consultant with years of experience in helping little ones sleep, I am here to help you deal with the overwhelm and anxiety that comes with a baby or toddler that doesn't sleep. 


Sleep is such a fundamental need and we often don't appreciate how important it is until we are severely sleep-deprived. Being a parent doesn't mean you have to wave goodbye to sleep. Also, getting sufficient sleep is so important for your little one's development.

I can help you find a solution that is a good fit for your family, whether you have multiples, older kids that need your attention, or a newborn baby. Is your baby catnapping? Do you have a toddler who fights you at bedtime and still gets out of bed at night? I can help!. I have a package suitable for any age and work with newborn babies from 3 weeks of age up to pre-schoolers 5 years of age. 


Guaranteed results


I will work with you and your goal in mind and provide you with an evidence-based sleep assessment tailored to your parenting style and child's temperament. Sleep training your child does not mean you have to compromise on your parenting style. I will provide you with a plan that reflects your values and beliefs as a parent and that you are comfortable and happy with. I guarantee that following the plan will improve your little one's sleep and we will work towards YOUR goals at all times.  

You are supported throughout the sleep teaching process. No matter which package you book, you will receive 1 on one 1 support from me throughout the sleep teaching process. During this period I will analyse your sleep logs regularly and you will have my advice on tap.

What you can expect from working with me

  • The knowledge to tackle your child's sleep issue resulting in more rest for the whole family

  • Confidence in knowing how much sleep your little one should be getting and how to deal with any sleep regressions to come

  • Evidence-based, personalised sleep plan including advice on feeding, napping, sleep environment, bedtime, and more

  • Contingency plan when naps go wrong

  • Empathetic 1-1 support throughout the sleep teaching process 

  • Range of different sleep settling methods from gentle in the room-methods to out of the room methods. The choice is yours